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FY25 Art Exhibition Grant (AEG) Program

[Please note this is an archival page for a grant opportunity that has passed]

[Visit this page for the most recent AEG grant application information]

The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities (CAH) requests grant applications from qualified individuals and nonprofit organizations for exhibition proposals to take place in CAH’s Galleries, located in the lobby of the 200 I (Eye) Street, SE building and/or CAH’s virtual gallery.

RFA Release:                             Monday | May 6, 2024
Submission Deadline:              Friday | July 1, 2024 | 9 pm ET
Award Notification:                   On or about: Monday | October 1, 2024

Individuals and non-profit organizations (new in FY25) may request up to $30,000, or $35,000 if working with a co-curator or curatorial mentee.

Three (3) exhibition proposals will receive grants for curation and installation during FY25 (see more details in the schedule in Overview). This grant is competitive.

  • Theme 1: Social Justice Themed Exhibition | Jan 10, 2025 - March 7, 2025
  • Theme 2: Art of Veterans’ Exhibition | April 4 – May 23, 2025
  • Theme 3: World Pride Exhibition | June 13 – August 1, 2025

See previously funded exhibitions:

Incomplete or late applications or applications that do not follow the instructions and guidelines may be deemed ineligible for review and funding. Prospective applicants should read through this Request for Applications (RFA) in its entirety before applying.

Staff Contact: Michelle May-Curry, Curator | [email protected]

Source of Funds: The source of funds for the grant(s) is the portion of the Agency’s annual grants budget allocated for grant programs established by CAH in accordance with D.C. Official Code § 39-205(c-1)(2)(A)(iii). CAH may make multiple awards under this RFA.

CAH’s Authority to Make Grants: CAH has grantmaking authority under the Commission on the Arts and Humanities Act of 1975, as amended (D.C. Law 1-22; D.C. Official Code § 39-204).

View the FY25 AEG documents by downloading the files linked below. You can also navigate the RFA in its entirety on our website using the Table of Contents below.


Table of Contents: