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FY25 AEG Application Workshops

CAH conducts free workshops for participants to learn useful information about the agency’s funding opportunities and how to submit a grant application. All workshops are free and open to the public; however, participants are strongly encouraged to RSVP. Current workshops were scheduled virtually and for the following dates:

More information about the workshops and registration may be found at under Grant Application Assistance, or by calling CAH at 202-724-5613.


All applications are scored according to four categories: Unique and Compelling Concept and Programming; Merit of Artistic Content and Clarity of Layout; Opportunity and Equity; and Budget and Feasibility. The evaluation criteria are specific to each grant program and listed in each grant program’s guidelines.

The application process is competitive, and awards are subject to the availability of funds.

Review Criteria

Unique, Compelling Concept, and Programming 30%

  • Selection of artwork is clear and finalized; curatorial premise demonstrates creative and original theories, ideas, or perceptions (10 points).
  • Concept is fully developed and presents challenging ideas and/or has the potential to stir thought-provoking discussion (10 points).
  • Exhibit-related programs included in the proposed timeline are thoughtful, creative, and innovative in format (10 points).

Merit of Artistic Content and Clarity of Layout 30%

  • Selected artwork demonstrates artistic excellence and high aesthetic quality (10 points).
  • Curatorial statement clearly explains the thematic premise of the exhibition and the ways in which each artist’s work relates to the exhibition theme or focus (10 points).
  • Curator has considered the unique architecture of the gallery space and has responded accordingly with selections of artworks that occupy or activate the space well, visually relating to each other cohesively. The rendering should clearly define the look of the exhibition (10 points).

Opportunity and Equity 30%

  • The applicant shows evidence of intentionality in the planning and implementation of the exhibition and programming to promote a welcoming and inclusive environment (10 points).
  • The exhibition offers emerging and underrepresented artists, specifically those without gallery representation, consistent group exhibition participation, and/or solo exhibitions within the last five years, the opportunity for exposure and ensures physical, geographic, cultural, and financial access for its artists, contractors, audiences, and participants. Where applicable, the applicant shows thoughtful engagement of co-curator/mentee (10 points).
  • The applicant shows evidence of intentionality in the planning and implementation of the exhibition and programming to engage a diverse audience based on culture, age, physical ability, and languages spoken (10 points).

Budget and Feasibility 10%

  • ·Budget itemization and breakdown for exhibition and associated programming are reasonable and achievable (5 points).
  • ·Successful production of exhibition is feasible within time allotted in the exhibition schedule (5 points).

View Application Process <— | —> View Selection Process

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