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DC Arts

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FY25 AEG Overview

The Art Exhibition (Curatorial) Grant Program (AEG) provides support for the development and public presentation of visual art exhibitions by District resident curators through grant support and use of CAH’s exhibition space within their District owned building lobby and CAH's virtual platform. If for unforeseeable circumstances the gallery is unavailable, the exhibition will be displayed on the online platform only. Applicants must be individuals or non-profit organizations with prior curatorial experience.


CAH highly encourages partnering with a co-curator or curatorial mentee.


CAH seeks grant applications from qualified individuals curators and non-profit organizations for exhibition proposals for CAH’s Galleries, located in the lobby of the 200 I (Eye) Street, SE building and/or CAH’s virtual gallery. Three (3) exhibition proposals will receive grants for curation and installation during FY25 (see schedule below). This grant is competitive.


Exhibition Dates

Theme 1: Social Justice Themed Exhibition

In celebration of Martin Luther King Day and Dr. King’s philosophy of The Beloved Community, CAH seeks exhibitions that explicitly uplift current or historic social issues of regional, national, or global significance. Topics may include but are not limited to: discrimination based on social identities such as gender, sexuality, race, class, or religion; ongoing conflicts related to citizenship, borderlands, and immigration; mass incarceration; healthcare; housing and homelessness; etc.


Jan 10, 2025 - March 7, 2025

Installation: January 3 – 9, 2025

Deinstallation: March 10 – 12, 2025


Theme 2: Art of Veterans’ Exhibition

In recognition of the wealth of artistic perspectives within the United States Veterans’ community, CAH seeks exhibition proposals that showcase artwork by veteran artists. Curators are encouraged to see within this call an opportunity to create exhibitions that not only highlight works by veteran artists but also engage the public in social and political discussions related to being a veteran.


April 4 – May 23, 2025

Installation: March 31 – April 4, 2025

Deinstallation: May 27 – 29, 2025


Theme 3: World Pride Exhibition

In recognition of the 50th Anniversary of Pride celebrations in Washington, DC as well as World Pride being held in the District of Columbia in June 2025, CAH seeks exhibition proposals that center artworks related to queer identities, broadly defined. Topics may include but are not limited to: education and schooling; transgender identity and gender nonconformity; LGBTQIA+ political movements, pioneers and activists; LGBTQIA+ rights worldwide; healthcare; parenting; religion, etc.


June 13 – August 1, 2025

Installation: June 9 –13, 2025

Deinstallation: August 4 – 8, 2025



—> View Program Goals

View AEG Grant Main Page