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DC Arts

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FY25 AEG Conditions of Funding and Cancelations

CAH reserves the right to rescind any and all grant awards for non-compliance with CAH grant guidelines, policies or regulations, at any time. FY 2024 grant recipients with unmet reporting obligations regarding any CAH funding program as of close of business on Friday, October 11, 2024, are ineligible to receive additional awards from CAH.



CAH has the right to withhold, reduce or rescind a grant award (or future grant awards) if the involved grant recipient does any of the following:

· Fails to make a deadline for a grant report or fails to produce a grant report.

· Fails to notify CAH of changes in project collaborators or other significant management changes or changes in the project scope.

· Fails to comply with the terms of the grant award contract requirements.

· Fails to demonstrate adequate financial management and oversight of the project; and/or

· Fails to credit CAH’s support publicly in any of the project’s promotional or information materials.



At the end of the de-installation period, grant recipients will receive a final evaluation of the return of the galleries to their original condition. Within thirty (30) days after acceptance of the return of the galleries to original condition, or by October 13, 2025, whichever date comes first, the award recipient must submit a CAH Grant Budget Form and a Final Report through the grants’ portal to CAH. The CAH Grant Budget Form can be retrieved from (click on the “Grants” tab and selecting “Resources for Grant Recipients”). All grant awardees are responsible for demonstrating and documenting expenditures for the full (100%) grant amount.


Grant recipients who do not complete the CAH Grant Budget Form and Final Report by Monday, October 13, 2025, are ineligible for further CAH funding.



All applicants must obtain from the District of Columbia a Citywide Clean Hands Certification (CCH) and submit this document as part of the application. Please request or update CCH to include with your application. Applications without the certificate will be deemed ineligible. This certification is required before any grant-related funding is disbursed, and grantees must remain in compliance throughout the term of the grant.


The CCH website application supports the Citywide “Clean Hands” Certification Mandate (D. C. Code § 47-2862) which stipulates that individuals and businesses are to be denied District goods or services if there is a debt owed to the District of Columbia of more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for fees, fines, taxes, or penalties. Applicants who are District residents may visit the following site to obtain more CCH information: CAH recommends applicants who have never applied for a Clean Hands to begin the process immediately, as it may take up to 10 business days to complete.


Legal Compliance

Federal and District of Columbia law requires all grant applicants to comply with all applicable laws and regulations that regard non-discrimination. The list of those laws and regulations include: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) (which provides that grant recipients must take adequate steps to ensure that people with limited English proficiency receive the language assistance necessary to afford them meaningful access to grant-related programs, activities and services); Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) (which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin); Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. §§ 1681-1686) (which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. § 794); the DC Human Rights Act of 1977 (D.C. Code §§ 2-1401 – 1404.04); and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 - 12213) (which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disabilities).



Grant recipient will enter into an agreement requiring the inclusion of CAH’s logo (or a credit line) in all of its grant-related announcements and promotional (or informational) materials and will agree to make best efforts to publicly credit CAH support in any public event that is held and that is related to CAH’s funding of the project.



All grant recipients are subject to risk assessments and monitoring requirements, as outlined in the District’s Citywide Grants Manual and Sourcebook. CAH has established standards for grant recipients to ensure compliance with risk assessment monitoring, and those standards are discussed in greater detail in the applicants’ grant agreements with CAH.


Activities funded by CAH will be monitored and evaluated by its staff, to assure compliance with all applicable District of Columbia statutes, regulations, orders and other requirements. This monitoring process may include site visits, an evaluation of allowable costs, an assessment of efforts to meet projected grant applicant benchmarks, requesting proof of expenditures, etc.


Federal and Local Tax Reporting

All grant recipients are responsible for reporting their respective grant award(s) as income on federal and local tax returns (in accordance with applicable law) and are strongly encouraged to consult with a tax professional and the United States Internal Revenue Service.



Request for Applications Released

Monday, May 6, 2024

Submission Deadline

Monday, July 1, 2024, at 9 pm ET

Review Panel

On or about Friday, August 12, 2024

Notifications to Applicants

On or about Monday, October 1, 2024



CAH reserves the right to issue addenda and/or amendments after the issuance of the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) or Request for Applications (RFA), or to rescind the NOFA or RFA. CAH will post addenda or amendments online. Applicants are responsible to review and adhere to any RFA addenda or amendments. Funding for this award is contingent on the availability of funds. Publication of the NOFA or RFA does not commit CAH to make an award.



Questions about the AEG grant may be referred to Michelle May-Curry, Curator, at [email protected] or 202-215-9486.

View Notification and Payment <— | —> View Addendum A: Gallery Walls, Elevations and Dimensions

View AEG Grant Main Page