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DC Arts

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FY26 EA Application and Review Information

All applications must be submitted online by 10 PM ET on Tuesday, April 22, 2025

CAH selects individuals who are arts, humanities and/or business professionals, independent of CAH, to serve as advisory review panelists for each grant program. The role of a panelist is to review and score an eligible application’s content to the established grant program review criteria. CAH’s grant application evaluation process takes into consideration general standards of decency and respect for the diverse beliefs and values of the American public consistent with The National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Act, as amended in 1990. For more information regarding the grant review process please visit the Guide to Grants. To volunteer or nominate a person to serve as an advisory review panelist for a grant program, see CAH’s Call for Panelists.

Sec V.A: Criteria, Review and Selection Process

The Agency reserves the right to accept or deny any or all applications if the Agency determines it is in the best interest of the Agency to do so. The Agency shall notify the applicant if it rejects that applicant’s proposal. The Agency may suspend or terminate an outstanding RFA pursuant to its own grantmaking rule(s) or any applicable federal regulation or requirement. The Agency may conduct pre-award on-site visits to verify information submitted in the application and to determine if the applicant’s facilities are appropriate for the services intended. If there are any conflicts between the terms and conditions of the RFA and any applicable federal or local law or regulation, or any ambiguity related thereto, then the provisions of the applicable law or regulation shall control, and it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure compliance.

Each application shall be reviewed as detailed below.





Arts, Humanities and Content and/or Merit

  1. The applicant’s work sample and support materials (brochures, articles, letters of support, etc.) demonstrate high standards of excellence within the chosen arts and/or humanities discipline(s).
  2. The related goals and schedule of planned activities are substantial and feasible.
  3. The applicant uses personnel with demonstrated arts and humanities expertise (such as arts administrators, humanities professionals, teaching artists, program managers, professional artists) to plan and implement arts and/or humanities content.
  4. The applicant demonstrates a commitment to hiring DC-based arts and humanities professionals, where applicable, to deliver arts and humanities content (such as arts administrators, teaching artists, educators, humanities professionals).
  5. The applicant presents effective evaluation methods specific to the project, which are used to improve future activities and services.


NE and/or SE Impact and Engagement 20%


  1. Applicant targets audience(s) in NE and/or SE and provides support for their selection.
  2. The described arts and humanities activities meet the unique needs of the target audience(s).
  3. Varied and appropriate marketing methods are used to reach the target audience(s).
  4. Applicant partners with similar or complementary organizations in NE and/or SE to leverage resources for the described activities.


District Impact and Evaluation

  1. The project content and confirmed project collaborators demonstrate that the experience will be culturally relevant and inclusive to a diverse audience.
  1. The project design demonstrates the commitment to engage all participants by ensuring equity and access (considering factors such cultural, socio-economic, geographical, physical and intellectual ability, etc.).
  2. The applicant outlines how the project design will consider the evolving needs of the community it impacts, by ensuring the intended community is considered in project design and implementation.


Financial Capacity, Management and Sustainability

  1. The organization demonstrates proper oversight with a committed board of directors with well-rounded expertise.
  2. The applicant is sufficiently stable, in terms of arts and humanities expertise, organizational capacity and financial status, to implement the project.
  3. The applicant demonstrates it has the internal capacity to administer the grant and has appropriate financial monitoring systems in place to track expenditures.


View Application and Submission Information <— | —> View Award Administration Information

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