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DC Arts
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FY25 GOS Eligibility Requirements

Prior to submitting applications, applicants must meet all of the following eligibility requirements:

  • Be incorporated as a nonprofit with a federally-designated tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) code, as evidenced by an IRS determination letter that is dated at least one year prior to the application deadline date.
  • Be registered with, and authorized to do business in, the District as either a “Domestic” entity (that is, an entity that was incorporated in the District) or a “Foreign” entity (that is, an entity that was incorporated in another state).
  • Have the primary mission focus in one or more of the arts or humanities disciplines referenced in the Guide to Grants, such that the majority of its activities and/or services are concentrated on and devoted to the arts and humanities and/or arts education.
  • Have received funding through a CAH competitive grant that was awarded in the District’s Fiscal Year 2023 (FY 2023) and/or Fiscal Year 2024 (FY 2024). Organizational relief grants, including CAH’s Facilities and Buildings - Rent and Mortgage Relief grant program, are not considered to be competitive, and therefore, organizations that are recipients of these grants alone are ineligible to apply to GOS. This requirement does not apply to GOS: Capacity Building Cohort.
  • Ensure that at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the organization’s activities occur within the District of Columbia.
  • Ensure that one hundred percent (100%) of the grant award dollars are used to support District of Columbia personnel and programming.
  • Have an active Board of Directors.
  • Register and comply with the regulatory requirements of pertinent government agencies, including (but not limited to): Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection (DLCP), DC Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), DC Department of Employment Services (DOES), and the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
  • Obtain certification of “Citywide Clean Hands” (CCH) from the District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue (see page 11).
  • Be in “good standing” with CAH.
    • Note: a CAH grantee that has failed to comply with any CAH mandates (e.g. grant reporting), may not be in “good standing” with CAH and may be ineligible to receive additional funds.
  • Have a principal business office address that is in the District of Columbia, subject to on-site visit. (Note: CAH will not allow post office boxes or the addresses of board members or volunteers as evidence of the principal business address).


Applicants restricted from applying include:

  • Individuals.
  • Arts and humanities organizations with a majority of their constituents who reside outside of the District of Columbia.
  • Arts and humanities service organizations that provide specialized services which can include professional development, technical assistance, networking opportunities, shared operational services, printed materials and/or research.
  • Organizations established primarily to provide social services, even if those organizations use the arts, humanities, and arts education programs as a vehicle for service delivery.
  • Private clubs and organizations that prohibit membership based upon race, gender, color, religion, or any other classes identified in the District of Columbia Human Rights Act.
  • Organizations that require “fiscal agents”; for-profit organizations; political organizations; foreign governments; federal government entities; and other District of Columbia government agencies, including DC Public Schools and charter schools.

View Succesful Applications <— | —> View Multi-Year Funding

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