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DC Arts

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FY25 GOS Application Review Process

CAH selects individuals who are arts, humanities and/or business professionals, independent of CAH, to serve as advisory review panelists for each grant program. The role of a panelist is to review and score an eligible application’s content to the established grant program review criteria. Panelists participate in a group review of CAH grant applications, according to their cohort, to discuss and comment on the merits and deficiencies of applications and finalize their application-related scores in the presence of CAH staff and Commissioner Conveners.


CAH staff, Commissioner Conveners and panelists are to remain impartial in their review of CAH grant applications. CAH ensures that all involved recuse themselves from review of any application that presents a personal or professional conflict of interest (or the appearance of a conflict of interest).


CAH’s grant application evaluation process takes into consideration general standards of decency and respect for the diverse beliefs and values of the American public consistent with The National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Act, as amended in 1990. For more information regarding the grant review process please visit the Guide to Grants. To volunteer or nominate a person to serve as an advisory review panelist for a grant program, see CAH’s Call for Panelists.

View Grant Application Process <— | —> View Conditions of Funding, Reporting Requirements, and Grant Cancellations

View GOS Grant Main Page