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DC Arts

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FY25 GOS Allowable Costs

CAH must ensure that all award funds are expended in a fiscally responsible manner. Allowable costs are those that District government and CAH have determined as valid expenditures, all awarded funds are subject to Risk Management and Performance Monitoring (see page 12).


Examples of “Allowable Costs” Related to the Grant:

  • Staff salaries of applicant organization.
  • Teaching artists/humanists, or consultants.
  • Travel and transportation directly related to the scope of the arts or humanities programming of the organization.
  • Materials, supplies, and equipment purchases that are directly related to the work of the organization.
  • Overhead, maintenance and administration of the organization’s programs.
  • Indirect Costs (see page 11).
  • Operating Reserve: A percentage of the award may be used to create or expand a board-approved operating reserve fund. This percentage may change from one fiscal year to the next and will be determined by CAH at the beginning of each fiscal year. Grantees are not required to have an operating reserve in place prior to receiving the FY 2024 GOS award but must submit a request to CAH before accepting the award. If a grantee has an operating reserve policy in place, the organization must be in good standing with its own policy. Grantees must present evidence of clearly articulated policies about the management of the reserve that have been formulated and ratified by its Board of Directors by the end of the GOS grant period.


Examples of “Unallowable Costs” Related to the Grant:

  • Food and beverages.
  • Tuition and scholarships.
  • Expenses associated with an organization assuming the role of a fiscal agent for another organization.
  • Costs related to fundraisers and special events.
  • Expenses unrelated to the execution of the organization’s scope of work.
  • Funding to universities, foreign governments, or DC government agencies, including DCPS.

Organizations that apply to FY 2025 General Operating Support (GOS) may be restricted from applying to select FY 2025 project-based grants. The scope of work articulated in an FY 2025 GOS application may not be duplicated in an FY 2025 project-based application.  All GOS recipients are restricted from applying to Projects, Events, or Festivals (PEF) Grants.

*Only GOS organizations that identify as Arts Education entities may apply to the Arts or Humanities Education Project (AHEP) grant program.

**Organizations headquartered in the District’s NE and SE quadrants applying to FY 2024 GOS grants may also apply to the East Arts (EA) grant program.


Field Trip Experiences (FTE)

Public Art Building Communities (PABC)

Facilities and Buildings (FAB)

LiftOff (LFT) will onboard a new cohort of applicants in FY 2024


All FY 2025 GOS recipients may apply to only one “Project Grant” and one “Capacity Grant” as detailed above.


The grantee will be responsible for demonstrating expenses, as applicable, in Interim and Final Reports.

Grantees with questions regarding allowable costs may contact one of CAH’s grant program managers.


This GOS grant period is from October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025. CAH mandates that all of a grantee’s grant-funded activity expenses must be made during the District’s Fiscal Year 2025 (that is, from October 1, 2024 until the end of the day on September 30, 2025).

View Multi-Year Funding <— | —> View Inclusion,  Diversity, Equity, and Access (I.D.E.A.)

View GOS Grant Main Page