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DC Arts
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FY24 GOS Review Criteria

District Impact and Engagement (30%)

  • The organization demonstrates that DC residents are its core audience for its programming and services. (10%)
  • The organization demonstrates a commitment to hiring DC-resident arts and humanities professionals to deliver its programming and services. (10%)
  • The organization includes evaluation strategies to determine organizational impact and details changes implemented to ensure continued and future growth. (10%)

Equity (30%)

  • Inclusion: The organization provides a detailed plan with measurable goals for the creation and sustainability of a welcoming and inclusive environment for its audiences, participants, staff, and board, with intentional focus placed on racial inclusion. (10%)
  • Diversity: The organization provides a detailed plan with measurable goals for the creation and sustainability of a diverse environment that is rich and meaningful for its audiences, participants, staff, and board, with intentional focus placed on racial diversity. (10%)
  • Access: The organization provides a detailed plan with measurable goals to ensure physical, geographic, cultural, racial, and financial access for audiences, participants, staff, and board. (10%)

Organizational Management (25%)

  • The organization demonstrates the appropriate oversight, financial controls, and governance to deliver its services and programming. (12.5%)
  • The organization has the necessary expertise and personnel in place to deliver its services and programming. (12.5%)

Arts, Humanities, and Arts Education Content (15%)

  • The organization’s mission in the arts and humanities is supported by the work samples and support materials provided. (5%)
  • The organization’s work samples and support materials demonstrate their knowledge of, and skills in, their content area. (5%)
  • The applicant uses personnel with demonstrated arts, humanities and/or arts education expertise to plan and implement their programming. (5%)

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