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DC Arts

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Arts and Humanities Education Project Grant Program


The Arts or Humanities Education Project (AHEP) offers support to qualified non-profit arts, humanities, arts education, and service organizations to deliver exemplary programs in arts and/or humanities education to students in grades pre-K to 12, older adults ages 50 and up, and to teachers, educational staff and teaching artists of DC Public Schools (DCPS) and DC Public Charter Schools (DCPCS).

Grants are competitive and applications are organized for review in cohorts based on the following qualifying project categories: (1) In-School Projects; (2) Out-of-School-Time Projects; (3) Professional Development Projects;  or(4) Older Adult Projects.


  • Provide access to high-quality arts and humanities experiences that work to advance student academic achievement in the District of Columbia.
  • Strengthen the value of an arts and humanities education as a critical component of a student’s broader education.
  • Support activities that are consistent with local and national learning standards for arts and humanities education, including the current state standards in non-arts content areas, where appropriate.

AHEP Request for Applications

The FY 2025 AHEP RFA closed on Tuesday, July 16, 2024.

The FY 2026 AHEP RFA will be released in the spring/summer of 2025.

Check out our FY 2025 AHEP Grantees