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FY23 Arts or Humanities Education Project (AHEP) Grants FAQs

As of 5/27/2022



Is a grantee with a General Operating Support (GOS) award eligible to apply for an Arts or Humanities Education Project Grant Program (AHEP)? I know a GOS applicant cannot typically apply for a project grant but not sure about the AHEP.

Regarding GOS and AHEP: Organizations that have applied to FY 2023 General Operating Support (GOS) are restricted from applying to the FY 2023 Arts or Humanities Education Project (AHEP) grant program, except in cases where the majority of programming services and organizational budget is dedicated to providing services to children and youth.If you organization fits in that category then you may apply for both. 
Please note All GOS recipients are restricted from applying to Projects, Events, or Festivals (PEF) Grants, but may apply for up to (1) one other project-based grant (AHEP, EOR, FTE, or PABC). For further details please carefully read page 6 of this application

We are unsure if our organization should apply for Projects, Events, and Festivals for Organizations or AHEP, can you help? 

If your organization is a GOS recipient you are ineligible to apply for PEFo but may be eligible to apply for AHEP. Please see above for those requirements. 
If your organization is not currently a GOS recipient, you can apply to PEFo if your project or event is intergenerational, meaning not solely for youth. For full AHEP eligibility, and application, requirements please readthrough pages 4 through 6 of the RFA, found here.