As of 5/20/2022
Do you have to have received a grant before applying to PEFo?
No. You may apply to PEFo without a previous grant application or award history.
What are the eligibility requirements for programs that have some involvement with youth?
As long as the project is not solely for youth (ie: it is intergenerational), you can apply to this program. Any project that is solely for youth can apply to our other grant programs, such as AHEP or East Arts (formerly East of the River or EOR).
Can one organization apply for more than one grant program?
Yes, as long as you follow all the eligibility requirements and apply for different projects. For example, you can apply for PEFo for one event, and apply for an AHEP grant for a different program.
If you receive GOS in the same fiscal year, there are some restrictions (mainly being able to apply up to 1 project-based grant, and 1 capacity-based grant).This can be found in the guidelines of each program
What are parameters for project dates please?
Project dates must occur between October 1, 2022-September 30, 2023.
Do we have to secure locations for projects and festivals before applying for the grant? I want to use parks but cannot reserve them a year in advance.
For festivals, you will need a “Letter of Project Site Agreement”. For projects and events, it is most ideal to have a place in mind whether it is a formal contract or agreement in the form of an email confirming you will be able to use the location.
Is a parade considered a festival?
Yes, for the purposes of this grant a parade is considered a festival.
Do you need to have the permit at the time of application or can you acknowledge your intent to get the permit by the time of the grant or event?
It depends on the type of proposal (ie: project/event vs. festival). For a project or event, this is not mandatory, but always helpful to have something that says you already reserve a location, or know the steps and availability of the location. For festivals, the section for this (Letter of Project Site Agreement) needs to be uploaded. If you are abale to get a permit, or an agreement of a location, that is ideal. If you are not able to get one due to it being too early, mentioning that, plus notating when you will obtain a permit works.
Documentation and Work Samples:
Regarding work samples, can you provide specific examples for festivals? I have not hosted an event like this in the past 3 years. But I have hosted large scale events in the past.
Work samples do need to be from within the last 3 years. Any work samples of similar projects would work, even if not on the same scale. Ideally, you want to give the panelist an idea of what the proposed project will look like. For more information about work samples, please refer to Addendum A of the PEF Guidelines (found here) as well as Addendum A of the Guide to Grants (found here).
Can concise biographies of participating artists, etc be included in place of resumes?
Concise bios can be accepted in lieu of resumes.
The FY for my organization goes from October 1-September 30. As of June, there will not be an approved budget for FY23. Should I include the FY22 budget in this case? Or a tentative FY23 budget?
You can use the FY22 budget since it is the most recent, and please be sure it is an approved version.
What are the required documents needed regarding budget? Is the projected budget enough?
It depends on if you are applying as an individual or an organization. If you are applying as an individual, the main budget document you will need is a budget form (which can be found on our website, towards the bottom of this page) and looks identical to the budget form one submits with their grant agreement and reporting) If you apply as an organization, there will be more documents to submit. For example, these include Profit & Loss Statements, Budget for (same as the individuals), Current Organizational Budget, and more. To see the full list of documents needed as an individual or an organization, please refer to our guidelines.
If awarded, when do the grantees receive funds?
The funding time frame varies, depending on if all the mandatory documents are up-to-date/correct, and/or if you are a new grantee or changed address. An ideal time-frame of receiving a purchase order number (which is when you can submit an invoice to receive a payment) would be between late November- late January. Payments can potentially be delayed if there are issues obtaining insurance of liability or if Clean Hands are non-compliant.
Would all expenditures have to be made after October 1, 2022?
That is correct, all expenditures must occur between October 1, 2022- September 30, 2023.