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DC Arts

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FY20 Grantees - Arts and Humanities Fellowship Program (AHFP)

The Arts and Humanities Fellowship Program (AHFP) offers up to $10,000 fellowships to individual  artists whose artistic excellence significantly contributes to the District of Columbia as a world class cultural capital. AHFP recognizes the impact of individual artists within the District of Columbia and supports the vitality that those artists bring to the local community.

Name Ward Amount
"Aziza " Claudia Gibson-Hunter       4 $2,500
Aaron (Ari) Roth 3 $3,500
Aaron Hamburger     3 $6,750
Aaron Shneyer     4 $2,500
Adrienne Gaither 5 $2,500
Alan Sharpe      1 $10,000
Alejandro Gongora   6 $4,500
Alex Braden 5 $8,000
Alexandra Silverthorne      3 $8,000
Alexis Gillespie 4 $6,750
Allison Shelley 1 $2,500
Amanda Sauer    1 $3,500
Amoja Sumler  5 $2,500
Amy Braden   5 $4,500
Amy Saidman    1 $5,500
Amy Wike    6 $2,500
Andrew Wodzianski     5 $2,500
Anna Davis 4 $5,500
Annalisa Dias-Mandoly    5 $6,750
Anne Bouie 1 $2,500
Anne Marchand     2 $2,500
Annie Houston     6 $4,500
Anthony (Tony) Keith      5 $8,000
Anthony Pirog  3 $4,500
Arthur Rogiers  6 $8,000
Aurora (Elena) Lacayo    4 $5,500
Ayanna Gregory      5 $5,500
Barry Moton      8 $2,500
Ben Crosbie   6 $5,500
Benjamin Levine   5 $10,000
Blair Goins    7 $6,750
Brandel France de Bravo 2 $3,500
Brian Grundstrom  2 $9,000
Bridget Hunnicutt 1 $8,000
Bridget Lambert 2 $4,500
Tristan B Willis 3 $5,500
Bryanna Millis  4 $2,500
Caitlin Price     4 $10,000
Cameron Poles 8 $3,500
Candice Taylor 7 $3,500
Carlos Martinez-Palmer  1 $5,500
Carolina Mayorga 5 $8,000
Cecilia Cackley 5 $6,750
Charles Jean-Pierre  5 $6,750
Chloe Miller 3 $5,500
Christian Teresi 1 $4,500
Christine Evans 3 $5,500
Christon (Christylez) Bacon 1 $9,000
Christopher Klimek   1 $8,000
Christopher Prosser 1 $6,750
Christopher Richardson    5 $3,500
Chuan (Jenny) Wu     7 $5,500
Claire Alrich 1 $2,500
Clifford Cartel   8 $3,500
Clyde Thompson   7 $4,500
Craig Kraft    8 $8,000
Cynthia Dorsey 5 $4,500
Cynthia (Imani) Gonzalez    1 $10,000
Dan Steinhilber     2 $9,000
Dana Burgess 3 $9,000
Dana Flor 3 $5,500
Dana Morgan   5 $6,750
Daniel Miller 6 $5,500
Danielle Drakes   5 $9,000
Darcy Courteau  5 $9,000
Darlene Taylor  4 $5,500
David Ebenbach  3 $6,750
David Keplinger 3 $8,000
Dawn Whitmore 3 $2,500
Devin Symons 3 $3,500
Dewey Ortiz      5 $4,500
Diana Movius 1 $5,500
Drew Anderson    5 $3,500
Dwayne Lawson-Brown 8 $4,500
Elaine Langerman 3 $5,500
Electra Bolotas    4 $3,500
Eliot Seppa   5 $10,000
Elizabeth Bruce   5 $2,500
Elizabeth Casqueiro 1 $2,500
Elizabeth (Liz) Maestri  1 $9,000
Erica Perl 3 $5,500
Ethan Foote 3 $4,500
Eugenia Kim 6 $8,000
Francesca Chilcote  5 $2,500
Francisco (Fran) Vielma      4 $6,750
Freddie Dunn 5 $4,500
Gabriel Mata 4 $4,500
Gabriella Garcia-Pardo 5 $9,000
Gail Shaw-Clemons      7 $6,750
Gayle Friedman 3 $3,500
Gaylia Wagner   1 $8,000
Giovanna Chesler   2 $4,500
Gordon Davis  8 $5,500
Hayley Cutler       5 $5,500
Helen Zughaib 2 $9,000
Holly Bass      1 $4,500
Ihsan Bilal    8 $2,500
Imar Hutchins 3 $9,000
Ira Tattelman     5 $3,500
Ivan Hall     3 $2,500
Jack Novak 2 $4,500
Jacquelyn Bengfort       5 $9,000
Jamal Toye      6 $3,500
James Byers        7 $3,500
Janea West 6 $8,000
Janel Leppin 3 $8,000
Janis Goodman 6 $6,750
Jared Davis   4 $6,750
Jason Gebhardt  3 $5,500
Jean-Francis Varre 4 $5,500
Jed Winer 1 $6,750
Jenne Glover 4 $2,500
Jennifer Frederick         4 $8,000
Jennifer Howard 6 $6,750
Jeremiah Goulka    6 $3,500
Jessica Beels   1 $5,500
Jessica Phillips-Silver   4 $3,500
Jessica Spotswood 6 $4,500
Joana Stillwell 1 $4,500
Joanne Kent 4 $4,500
Jodi Ferrier   3 $5,500
Joe Cameron  3 $9,000
Joel Ulmer (Vincii)   7 $8,000
John Copenhaver  1 $8,000
John Deardourff    1 $8,000
Jonathan Colson 2 $8,000
Jonathan Monaghan 5 $6,750
Jonathan Tucker   5 $8,000
Jordann Wine  4 $9,000
Jose (Pepe) Gonzalez      1 $8,000
Joseph Shetler 1 $5,500
Joshua Cogan   4 $9,000
Julia Dann 3 $3,500
Kaitlyn (Kate) Wagner 6 $2,500
Karen Evans  5 $2,500
Karen Keating 3 $8,000
Karen Zacarias  1 $3,500
Katharine (Kate) MacDonnell 1 $6,750
Katherine Mann 5 $10,000
Katie Sopoci Drake  3 $3,500
Kayona Brown      7 $3,500
Khanh Le 5 $6,750
Kim Roberts 1 $9,000
Kristen King    1 $2,500
Kristin Adair  1 $10,000
Kyle Dargan 7 $10,000
Kyle Hackett 5 $6,750
Laura Tsaggaris    6 $9,000
Laura Zam 1 $4,500
Lawrence Redmond    2 $2,500
Lee Woodman 3 $3,500
Lely Constantinople  3 $3,500
Lenora Yerkes    5 $5,500
linn meyers       4 $8,000
Lori Pitts 5 $9,000
Luis (Nando) Alvarez  5 $3,500
Lutishia (Seshat) Walker     7 $2,500
Marc Nelson 6 $4,500
Marcella Kriebel 5 $9,000
Margaret (Maggie Michael) Steinhilber     2 $3,500
Margery Goldberg 4 $2,500
Margot Greenlee     6 $5,500
Maria Copeland 3 $2,500
Maria (Marite) Vidales 2 $2,500
Marissa Meade 3 $6,750
Marjuan Canady     4 $5,500
Mark Cisneros 1 $3,500
Marta Pèrez Garcià  5 $8,000
Martha Young   3 $3,500
Martin Swift      1 $9,000
Mary Early      6 $2,500
Mary Kay Zuravleff     3 $5,500
Matt Storm      5 $4,500
Matthew Cumbie 5 $6,750
Matthew Pinney     4 $2,500
Maureen Andary     4 $4,500
Meera Chakravarthy    4 $8,000
Michael Crossett   1 $6,750
Michael Enn Sirvet 2 $8,000
Michael Janis 5 $5,500
Michael McSorley    6 $2,500
Michael Ounallah (Black Masala) 1 $5,500
Michael Taylor (TaylorAntonio) 8 $6,750
Michele Banks 2 $6,750
Michelle Herman     5 $10,000
Mickey Terry    7 $8,000
Miriam Pérez     5 $2,500
Molly Springfield      1 $6,750
Monica Bose       1 $4,500
Nabeeh Bilal      8 $8,000
Nancy Daly    5 $2,500
Nancy Geyer   6 $5,500
Nancy Libson    3 $2,500
Naomi Ayala            1 $6,750
Nara Park    1 $10,000
Natalie Illum 1 $4,500
Natsu Onoda Power  2 $10,000
Noah Getz 3 $6,750
Nubia Kai 6 $2,500
Oluwabusayo Folarin    3 $10,000
Paige Billin-Frye       4 $3,500
Patricia Kalil      4 $3,500
Patrick Beldio     4 $5,500
Patrick Matam  5 $6,750
Patrick McDonough       4 $2,500
Paul Emerson 1 $9,000
Peter Kimball 3 $3,500
Peter Muldoon 1 $5,500
Raashid Copeland   4 $10,000
Rachel Grossman 4 $4,500
Rachel Hynes 5 $2,500
Randon Noble 3 $5,500
Rania Hassan   5 $4,500
Raymond Caldwell   8 $9,000
Raymond Whitehouse     7 $4,500
Rebekah (Be) Steadwell  4 $10,000
Regie Cabico 5 $9,000
Regina Miele     5 $3,500
Rick Hammerly      5 $8,000
Ritija Gupta 2 $9,000
Robert Bettmann       4 $3,500
Robert (Bob) Burnett  3 $5,500
Robert Priore   4 $6,750
Robert Shore    6 $4,500
Robin Bell 1 $9,000
Robin Reed (Talley) 3 $8,000
Rochelle Rice  1 $8,000
Roderick Turner      8 $2,500
Ronee Penoi       6 $6,750
Roya Bahrami      1 $8,000
Samuel Ashworth 1 $8,000
Samuel Prather      8 $4,500
Santiago Flores-Charneco 1 $8,000
Sara Curtin    4 $6,750
Sarah Canzoneri 3 $4,500
Sarah Ewing 3 $2,500
Scot McKenzie     5 $2,500
Serge Seiden      1 $6,750
Shaina Kuhn        6 $4,500
Shari Henry 7 $4,500
Sharlaine Anapu 2 $10,000
Sheila Crider    8 $2,500
Shenandoah Sowash 4 $4,500
Simone Baron 5 $6,750
Sophia McCrocklin     3 $5,500
Soyini George   5 $2,500
Stefan Lockridge    8 $2,500
Stephanie Mathis      5 $3,500
Stephanie Mercedes 3 $2,500
Stephen Leroy   6 $2,500
Stephen Spotswood 6 $9,000
Steven Munoz    1 $4,500
Stuart Davenport 5 $5,500
Susan Galbraith     2 $5,500
Suzanne Zweizig     1 $3,500
Tahirah Green       1 $2,500
Tamela Aldridge  4 $9,000
Tanya Paperny      5 $4,500
Tara Campbell     1 $5,500
Tara Compton   4 $3,500
Tattiana Aqeel    6 $3,500
Tim Doud  1 $5,500
Tim Tate 1 $9,000
Tsedaye Makonnen     5 $4,500
Tyler French   5 $8,000
Valerie Theberge   5 $9,000
Vera Yaa-Anna         6 $6,750
Victoria Ford  1 $6,750
Vijay Palaparty 4 $8,000
William (Tommy) Bobo       4 $4,500
Yi Chen 3 $9,000
Yoko Wylegala 6 $9,000

FY19 Arts and Humanities Fellowship Program (AHFP) Grantees (click here)