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DC Arts

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Rhona Wolfe Friedman, Ward 2

Governance Committee Chair

Rhona Wolfe Friedman, an attorney and decorative arts historian, is actively engaged in the arts and humanities in Washington, DC. She is an active member of the Board of Directors of Building Bridges Across the River (THEARC) and of Founding Friends of the PEN/Faulkner Foundation. Ms. Friedman has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Washington Ballet, The Lab School of Washington, Paul Public Charter School, and the Youth Orchestra of the Americas.

As the longest serving Commissioner, Ms. Friedman has been Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Parliamentarian, and is active on several committees. Her focus has been arts education and the creative economy. She established and chaired the Task Force for the creation of an Arts Education Policy, which provided for the expansion of arts education to all public and public charter schools. The City Council passed this Policy as a Sense of Council Resolution in 2018.

Ms. Friedman frequently lectures about the importance of the arts and has chaired arts education symposiums. She has lectured at the Library of Congress about the symphonic music in our country and the nature and origin of the Disco Ball in our society. Ms. Friedman is the Arts and Culture Fellow at the Institute for Politics, Policy and History, established by Mayor Bowser and Former Mayor Sharon Pratt and housed at the University of the District of Columbia. In this capacity, she has conducted two symposiums at UDC about the expanding role and importance of the arts in our city.

Ms. Friedman holds a Juris Doctorate, a Master’s Degree in the History of Decorative Arts, a Master’s Degree in Clinical and Counseling Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts Degree. She is admitted to the Bar of the District of Columbia and to the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States, among others.

Contact Email: [email protected]

Commissioner Since: March 3, 2012

Current Term Ends: June 30, 2022